The pandemic has increased local demands on many nonprofit organizations. While the United Way is national in its branding, we are lucky enough to have a Cloquet office to help respond to those needs. Sarah Buhs is the new Executive Director of the United Way of Carlton County. She has been involved for years with the organization, helping to organize Santa's Home for the Holidays and other local events. A few examples of responses by the United Way that are in place now with the pandemic include an emergency food shelf, crisis referral, direct aid to families and individuals, or, more creatively, local volunteers virtually conducting storytime featuring books from a program they support:
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library (
The United Way of Carlton County annually raises roughly $200,000; staff is paid for locally, along with operations and items. What is raised here stays here—so remember to give where you live or work. This local office is not supported nationally by United Way, and it is a big deal to house a local office. Several area Cloquet employers launch workplace fundraising campaigns, and that funding allows the United Way of Carlton County to support local nonprofits. In recent years, data has demonstrated that virtual campaigns are not as successful as the traditional workplace pledge cards.
Since 1956, the United Way of Carlton County has been mobilizing community resources to support local nonprofit programs. While the community has changed and grown throughout the years, the mission of the United Way has stayed the same: to fight for the health, education, and financial security of every person in every community. Together, we can do so much more. United Way fights for the health, education, financial security, and basic needs of every person in every community. United Way works with residents and public and private partners to co-create solutions that ensure everyone has the resources, support, opportunities, and networks they need to thrive. United Way commits to leveraging assets (convening, strategic investments, awareness building, advocacy) to create more equitable communities.
Annually in the region, they also host Operation Community Connect, connecting those in need to resources available. United Way focuses on cradle-to-career education strategies that provide a firm foundation at an early age and continue to help develop our children into successful adults who can contribute to their communities. This year, the United Way of Carlton County invested over $40,000 in the following programs to give kids a hand in their education and healthy development:
Carlton County Collaborative: Jump Start 4 Kindergarten
Catholic Charities: Foster Grandparent Program
Carlton County Historical Society
REACH: Mentor Program
Girl Scouts of Minnesota & Wisconsin Lakes & Pines: Girl Scout Leadership Pathways
Voyageurs Area Council Boy Scouts: Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, and Exploring
Dolly Parton's Imagination Library Program
There are many different ways you can volunteer. Consider giving your time, talent and energy.
Sarah Buhs, Executive Director
(218) 879-8404